Students who arrive late to school must report directly to the counseling/attendance office to sign in. Students are expected to be in their homeroom class to begin work when the bell tone sounds at 7:30 AM.
Please remember to notify us if your child is going to be absent. We need the information before 12:00 PM on the day of the absence.
Absences may be entered in Parent Vue. Use the "Report Absences" button next to the student name, select the date(s) and please use the Notes section to provide a reason. Remember to press SAVE once all information is entered. You may enter absences until 12:00 noon for the current day, and up to one week in advance. (The default is the current day, so please ensure you’ve selected the correct day(s) if entering an absence for the future.)
To report an absence by phone, call (248) 726-4910. This is a 24-hour voice mail. The following information must be left on the answering machine:
- Student's first and last name (spelled out)
- Parent name, if different from student's last name
- Day and date of absence
- Reason for absence
If your student is arriving late, needs an early dismissal, or you are requesting homework, you should call the main school number at (248) 726-4900.
All absence calls are for one day only unless you specify otherwise. We suggest that you call as early as possible. Many telephone calls come in between 7:00 and 7:45 AM.
We do not accept calls or notes from students. Students who are "excused absent" should see each teacher upon returning to receive missed assignments. It is the student's responsibility make up the work.